Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tumble Driers as bad for you as Chips

As part of Choughworld's campaign to keep our homes safe from chip pan fires, we are adding washing machines and tumble driers to our hit list.

These innocent looking devices are just as capable of starting fires as the more traditional 'put the chip pan on when drunk and fall asleep' scenario.

Here is the Choughworld advice, on how to keep you, and your family safe.

1) Don't fry chips at home. 
2) Buy them from your local chippy.
3) On your way to the chippy, drop your clothes off at the launderette.
4) Once you've eaten your chips, pick up your washing and go home.
5) Watch the roads.
6) If you are foolish enough to use a tumble drier and it catches fire, do not throw water over it.
7) Make sure you have enough clean underwear so that you can pop out to the launderette in clean pants, so that if you do get run over, you won't be embarrassed at the hospital.


  1. It's ill-informed material like this that CAUSES accidents.

    At no time is the reader warned to also to remain alert, while walking along the pavement, for the ever present danger of dog muck. Children have gone blind through this evil - for God's sake keep your eyes open!

    Also watch out for cats getting trapped in the loading compartment when putting clothes in, or if you leave the door open. Never, ever put a cat in yourself. The RSPCA take a very dim view, no matter how wet your cat is when it returns from a session mangling the local fauna.

    1. 'Ill informed'??? So do you walk around in soiled underwear, oblivious to the shame you will feel when nurses have to treat you for a road accident?

      "It wasn't me, it was some dog muck!" you might say, but their sniggers will say what we all think - "I don't believe you."

    2. I am now worried that Infirmus has a bowel problem that he wishes to disguise and blame on dog doings. Infirmus, do you know what a radar key is? Dirty boy.

    3. It's a pure coincidence, but based on the latest survey results, I was goog to run an advertorial for incontinence pants.

    4. Are you hoping to get some freebies?

  2. I think we should also warn people about the build of of fluff, as this was the likely cause of the fire in the tumble drier.

    Remember folks - fluff can kill!

    1. I have a bag of dryer fluff and I'm thinking of putting it into a net and letting the birds use it for nests. The timing should be right as I've seen birds with twigs and stuff.

  3. Never thought of that, thanks for the environmental/recycling tip. one question, do the birds also take children, specifically daughters aged about 21 who are moving house ?
