Monday 4 February 2013

MEN Abandons Story in Favour of Sensational Headline

In a new twist, the other rag has misreported a survey in order to evince a knee jerk reaction.  In the story here the rival chipwrapper reports that Manchester is one of the most expensive cities in the world.  The reality of course is that at position 47 out of 131, Manchester is in the top third.

See the most expensive city in the world, on our interactive map

View Larger Map
Do YOU think Manchester is too expensive?  Who do you blame for this?


  1. Is Manchester really that expensive? The article doesn't provide much detail, nor can I access the Economist's report simply.

    I would be interested to know what specific area the data-gathering focussed in on. Certain parts of the city centre would attract high rents, others may be peppercorn in comparison.

    Of greatest interest on this article is that the MEN are inviting people to leave comments via a number of open fields rather than Facebum. Is this the first sign that they have recognised a significant decline in passing trade and potentially reducing revenue generation?

    1. I have done some digging and here is the link you need.
      Unfortuneatly you need to register with The Economist to get the details:

      Although I have registered, I cannot give you the link because it will not work for you (yes I even tried that as well...see how far we go for our readers!)

    2. The interesting thing about the survey, is that it's global survey of world cities. If a major city in a developed country isn't in the top third, then that's probably something to worry about.

      I think this is another case of trying to sensationalise statistics, without bothering to understand them first.

    3. Perhaps viewed from another angle, people of Manchester should be worried that either the cost of living here has risen against other comparable cities in the world or that, the cost of living in other cities has dropped but why hasn't Manchester's?

    4. as if by magic ....

    5. Looks like we're keeping MEN in line.
