Saturday 23 February 2013

As a Nation, Are We Becoming Soft

Todays daytime temperature in the North West is going to be around the 2 degrees Celcius however  with the wind chill it will feel more like -2 degrees Celcius.

Most of us will no doubt whinge that it is cold, but is that because we have become 'soft' in this country.

In the Nordic countries it is common practice, even at -10 degrees Celcius, to put babies outside for naps during the day

Whilst we issue cold weather payments to the old and people with babies just because the temperature drops below 0 degrees for a few days, in the Nordic countries this temperature would seem like barmy conditions and probably unwrap their children and force them to go out and play in swimming shorts.

So has the nation become soft in the last century or are the Nordic countries just barmy?


  1. Having worked with people from the Nordic regions for most of my working life, I can confirm that Finnish men are a hardy bunch and drink like a fish

    1. I should add that when I have visited these countries, I have never seen any dog shit on the pavements or in the parks

  2. I think the factor there is "drink like fish" Excessive alcohol consumption gives a false impression of warmth thus allowing them to walk around in sub zero temperatures in T shirts (cf Newcastle a town famous for its under-dressed alchoholics) As to the leaving the babies outside, they probably just forgot where they left them.

    1. I have often wondered how little birds manage to survive really cold nights without their blood freezing. Maybe they are all heavy drinkers of anti-freeze. I bet they dream of nesting in Bill Oddie's face hair.......

    2. Contrary to national opinion, most women in Newcastle are not small and do not fantasize about Bill Oddie -although they do drink a lot

    3. Scratchy, we both know you are only 4'8" tall, so all women look tall to you. Geordie women are small 5'6" max

    4. Anon, leave our little scratchy alone! Myself, I would be wary of an encounter with the fab and hairy faced Mr Oddie for fear of starting a bush fire....

  3. I blame the Met Office for this. Whenever you get a weather forecast, it will say 2 degrees, but feels like -4.

    I don't know what -4 feels like, because if it was -4 they'd say it felt like -5.

    1. I'd blame Metrolink if I could, but even its 'knock on' effect could not reach the Nordic regions, or could it?

    2. Have you noticed that when a train or a tram goes by, you get a cold wind coming past a couple of seconds later.

      It's go to go somewhere...
