Sunday 17 February 2013

Meteorite Near Miss for Manchester

Amidst all the reporting of the Chelyabinsk meteor strike, our science correspondent has revealed shock news that it could have hit Manchester.

According to TV spaceman Brian Cox (from Oldham) it was a near miss.  "The Universe is thousands of miles across, almost imaginable distances.  This meteor hit Russia at almost the same latitude as us, which would have devastated my collection of space rocks, and pop memorabilia."

The city of Chelyabinsk lies at latitude 55.09 N, 66.22E.  Had the meteor struck earth a few hours later, it would have hit near the Northumbrian town of Hexham or even the City of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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A meteorite strike like this is, however a once a century event, so Manchester is unlikely to be hit until 2113, so please don't panic.


  1. If it had hit Newcastle, it would have saved the council a lot of money by demolishing the rest of the old buildings, saving them doing it -the philistines

  2. By an eerie coincidence, Newcastle's light rail network is also called Metro. So we could just have easily been wiped out as them. Doubt we could have claimed a refund on travel tickets bought in advance. What a con!


    1. No, but I bet they would have allowed you to reclaim your tickets on Tyneside, if you would have survived the blast
