Friday 1 February 2013

Snow Returns to Britain

It only seems like a few weeks ago that we had snow in Manchester. However this week we have seen some very unseasonal weather, with temperatures hitting nearly 10 degrees centigrade in some places.

However, snow is back on the forecast.

Some parts of Britain may experience snow flurries during the forth coming week, with Manchester probably seeing none at all.

However that does not stop us predicting panic in the streets: local tarffic chaos/disruption and rioting at shops as we suggest you stock up on every possible type of food.

Watch this space for pictures of snow bound villages, roads slewed across roads and reports that Manchester Airport has not had to close.


  1. It always makes me smile when people stock up on basic foodstuffs and a shotgun.

    If you have a shotgun, you don't need to stock up on basic foodstuffs.

    "Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day, give a man a fishing road and he can feed himself forever"

    1. You can't hunt down the basics such as red wine and pain au chocolat.Am I to use the gun on my classier neighbours? How do they cope in the third world!?

    2. I was more thinking of robbing than hunting to be honest. In the third world they make do with the lesser vintages of wine, and sometimes do without.

    3. God bless them.Seriously.

    4. So your answer to food banks, is to give them a fishing rod? Actually, perhaps gives them an allotment plot, some packs of seeds and tell them to grow their own. not very sympathetic though.

    5. Well that's what allotments were originally for. I was actually proposing to give them shotguns which is even less sympathetic. As the whole Moanchester Evening Views experiment has shown, sometimes I just don't think things through!
