Tuesday 26 February 2013

MEN Still a Forum for Nutcases

In a shocking move, it appears the the MEN is still a forum for "I'm not racist but I am" nutcases.

Readers were devastated to see that despite draconian restrictions on freedom of speech, bigots are still using MEN as a ranting post.


In his comment 'David Wilton' refers to 'politically correct bigotry', 'because now 'white isn't right' 'the PC brigade', and finishes off with a long quote from 1984, as if a decent, intelligent man like Orwell somehow supports right whingers from beyond the grave.


  1. Ah good old David Wilton, I can always rely on him to stoke the fires. I wonder if it is thoughtful?

    1. Thoughtful always insisted she was female. But that was probably a lie.

      I always wondered whether far right groups encouraged their members to post such views in order to make them seem more mainstream, or whether they are just lone wolf mentalists.

    2. Thoughtful may be female, there is no reason David Wilton is who he/she claims to be. Perhaps Thoughtful is trying to be clever and 'masquerade' as a man, actually strike that -Thoughtful was more 'elegant' in her rants than David - so it is probably someone else altogether.

    3. I think this rant is too focussed to be Thoughtful, and insufficiently racists.

      Usual structure of a Throughtful rant is to start off calm, then get incomprehensible in the middle, before blaming New Liebour, Lefties, Tony Bliar or the public sector.

    4. However like Thoughtful, using 'facts' to justify an arguement only to be told their 'facts' are incorrect

  2. To me though the ultimate irony of these sorts of rants is that if you wanted to find a perfect example of 21st century 'Newspreak' then the term 'political correctness' would be hit up there, as a word than obfuscates meaning while being automatically 'understood'.

  3. My favourite irony is the kind of spittle-flecked, head quivering wrath spouted forth by the Diely Moan readership.

    "These foreigners are flocking to this island, they insist in speaking their own language even though they live in our country. They are turning our places of worship into theirs, they dress like they were still back over there. It's our culture, not theirs. They even want to carry on with their own laws, never mind what we want. I feel like we are the minority population." Outraged of Somewhere.

    Hmm, what are the odds of that same criticism being levelled at their ancestors 1,600 years ago when the Saxons and their alien ways arrived on someone else's island? They just don't see the hypocricy.

    1. Yes, it is funny. perhaps this is proof Neanderthals did not die out, although that is slighting Neanderthals

    2. Leave the Anglo Saxons alone. If it weren't for them we'd all be speaking a dialect of German by now.

    3. It works if you don't think about it...

    4. It's ok, got it first time round. I was suggesting that, given the fact that many races had travelled here, even before we were an island, you can take your pick from many different languages, even a dialect of Africana if you want

    5. How times of changed. A friend of mine was telling me how he loves travelling TO the races. Cheltenham Gold Cook or something.

    6. I once had to work in the Gloucester area while the Cheltenham Gold Cup was on. I couldn't find a hotel anywhere near where I needed it.

      That's why I'm firmly anti races.
