Thursday 28 February 2013

National Chip Pan Fire Month Reaches a Blazing Climax

DO NOT try this at home.
Despite earlier indications that chip pan fires in Manchester were a thing of the past ( an elderly lady from Irlam has bucked this trend, "after a pan of food caught fire on an electric oven".

While it is not clear whether this was a traditional chip pan fire or not, we will ignore that detail, and declare this the final chip pan fire of National Chip Pan Fire month, and therefore the dubious winner.

Irlam, 'City' of Salford

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  1. You do realise you are tempting fate with the declaration 'the final chip pan fire of National Chip Pan Fire month, and therefore the dubious winner.'

    It is now sods law that there will be a spate of them tonight, even one at 23:59.

    As such, any tonight will be your fault!!!

    1. I think the peak time for chip pan fires is after the pubs close, so I should be ok.

      Anyway, if I get sued, you'll all form a fighting fund won't you...

    2. I'll form a queue at the chippy and advise them to chuck away any "Pans of Death" they have lurking in their cupboards if that's any help.

      While we are on the subject, does anyone know the statistics of chip shop range fires? Are we actually increasing the risk to life and limb by taking Chough's safer option?

    3. They happen too, but aren't so common, and it's rare for the owner of a chip shop to get drunk and fall asleep while frying.

    4. Of course we will form a fighting fund, 30 or so cans of extra strong lager should do it
