Thursday 21 March 2013

Rare Sighting of British Cock

It has now been confirmed by our researchers that the rare British Cock 'Thoughtful' was alive and thriving in the MEN websites.

Rooster Cock Fighting Binondo Chinatown Manila Philippines Asia Market Street Food Travel Culture IMG_6002x by Dallas Photographer David Kozlowski

Previously some experts believed that the last member of this sub-species of fighting cock may have been run over by a cyclist; however that opinion was divided with others believing that it was simply keeping a low profile.

After months patiently monitoring the Cock's natural habitat, the MEN webshite, our researchers finally recived definitive proof of it's survival after hearing it piercing mating call "CRA."

Whilst there is also speculation to the sex of this Cock, with some indications that it is female -in its current guise (David Wilton) it has some of the traits of being a male. Our in-house vet DR Chopthemoff believes the world will only be able to determine the sex of this specimen by baiting and enticing -forcing it into making a grammatical mistake.

So please readers, keep your eyes open for any further sightings and report them back to Choughworld for examination/dissection.

Thanks -the research team.


  1. Off topic, based on the number of 'people' who have voted, have you increased your readership to MEN levels, or is there vote rigging going on? I smell a rat!

    1. How do you know what a rat smells like? I can only presume you have a perverse hobby of going round catching rats and sniffing them.

      I am sure, knowing Mr Chough as I don't, that no rats were involved in the poll results.

    2. It was just a late surge... I expect some people were complacent in the early days of the poll, but when faced with the reality of Bane running Manchester they voted for the only sane choice.

      I was preparing my acceptance speech for later today.

    3. Unfortunately it was too late for a counter surge

    4. Yes, rather like eBay it's all about the timing

    5. And, to continue your eBay analogy, you end up with something shoddy and disappointing

    6. I never realised the MEN was being sold on eBay

    7. Well in some communities, it's normal to rig votes, if you know what I mean.

  2. If he's Thoughtful, the test is to challenge his views and see if he descends into furious nonsense and contradictory lies.

    Looks like Mr Pann is attempting to do this for us.

    1. MEN Webshite Moderator21 March 2013 at 15:18

      I thought we had banned him? Oh sorry wrong website

    2. I'll ban you if you carry on persecuting Choughworlders.

    3. MEN Webshite Moderator21 March 2013 at 17:42

      Watch it bozzo or I will set Dianna on you

  3. Oh I am enjoying the banter with Thoughtful today, takes me back to the old days. Climate change today, racism tomorrow (hopefully)

    1. I'm looking forward to the annual railway 1940's weekend nazi debate

    2. I never miss it, I have my SS insignia polished and ready.

    3. Meanwhile, a group of Traction Engine enthusiasts are hoping to arrange Holocaust Denial weekend in August.

  4. MEN is a bit boring today, Thoughtful is being quite reserved, she hasn't even blamed the weather on the leftie Government in power yet

    1. Has it ever struck you as odd that what was referred to in the 1920s and 1930s as "The Jewish Conspiracy" is now known as "The Liberal Elite".

      So even the far right are being Politically Correct.

    2. The day ain't over yet, patience my young apprentice...

    3. I do feel that in order to achieve his full potential, Thoughtful needs goading. Otherwise she's like an under-kneaded dough - a bit dull and claggy.

    4. Given you earlier reference to the Holocaust Denial weekend, I think suggesting putting Thoughtful in an oven could be misinterpreted

    5. I'd just deny it - she'd have to grudgingly approve.

    6. I used to love heaping abuse on the various trolls, and then say "I match my tone to the person".

      There's a real tendency in people to think that over exaggeration and abuse enhances the argument when in fact it makes it ridiculous.

    7. Actually thinking about it, I seem to remember being on the receiving end of some of your abuse, so double frack off

    8. I'm not surprised. I was prolific. I got city centre really well one day. He was being a bit pompous and suggested we erect a statue to Cobham (Vicitorian free trader) so I replied suggested they could put it in St Anne's Swuare, next to the statue of Cobham.

    9. I was joking, I just wanted to double 'Frack off' you
