Thursday 14 March 2013

Choughworld Journalists in Hacking Scandal

A journalist, earlier today.
The Blogosphere has been rocked by allegations that Choughworld journalists are being investigated by the Metropolitan Police over allegations of Twitter Hacking.

In the first example of prosecutions outside News International and Trinity Mirror Group, our Chip Pan Fire correspondant, Mr Chough, has been interviewed under caution.

"I had no idea that reading Twitter and then reporting it as news was illegal," he protested.  "Journalists at the MEN have been doing it for years."

A source at the Metropolitan Police countered this argument.  "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse," said an unnamed source.  "Off the record," he continued. "If Mr Chough wants to continue doing this, I can tell him where to leave the plain brown padded envelopes."


  1. Daily Moan Reader14 March 2013 at 14:21

    Typical leftist reporting, brown envelope -what is wrong with it being a white envelope. I am sick of these brown enverlopes coming over here taken roles away from our native Anglo-Saxon envelopes and then claiming benefits once they have been used once !

    1. I wholeheartedly agree, just like the nanny-state we are oppressed by, those champagne socialists know nothing of being on the sick, having their benefits slashed and having their bedrooms taxed.

    2. I honestly am sick of these foreign envelopes on the streets begging for a handout when all they do is spend any money they get on cheap cider and binge-drinking.

      Wake up Anglo-Saxons and vote for a party that represents you 'fed-upness' with this socialist experiment they call the Tories

  2. Typical, you wait hours for a troll then 3 turn up together

    1. I reckon, as a gentleman's wager, that I could create a troll comment generator which would scan read the article, and generate a comment which would be indistinguishable from a real troll. I could then release it into the wild.

      Mind you I also promised a Twitter->News generator like the MEN have and I've not done that either.

    2. Would it live under a bridge, have an ugly temprement and worry goats?

    3. Yes, if for 'bridge' you mean 'Daily Mail' and 'worry goats' you mean 'challenge the liberal elite'.

    4. Another good tip for that authentic 'angry dad' vibe is to start all your comments with 'So'...

    5. Thanks for the tip, but I wasn't being an 'angry dad' impression

    6. So, you think you don't sound like an angry dad? Typical PC mumbo jumbo. Bring back the Birch.

    7. You added a ',' after the 'so' -you didn't tell me that originally, right where's my slippers

    8. Not everyone can have privileged Tory boy, silver spoon in mouth upbringing afforded to the elitist few. Champagne anyone?

  3. I had a hacking cough for several months last year, does that mean I am a suspect?

    1. Do you text the Prime Minister?

    2. I have a confession, I was talking to the dark side yesterday. She was with the newspaper seller and he said 'here is someone who doesn't buy the Stockport Express anymore.' So she proceeded to ask me why, so I gave her some honest feedback. Does that make me a traitor?
