Friday 29 March 2013

Elderly Join AAA

In another example of how our older people are enjoying their twilight years to the full, an 82 year-old lady joined the Acrobatic Automobile Association (AAA) last year and has completed her first solo act to an astonished public.


In a quiet street in Atherton, the public watched as Mrs Dare Devil lined her Vauxhall Corsa up to perform the AAA's classic 'Clip and Flip' manoeuvre. Once aligned correctly and revving her engine to the maximum, she set off.  Immediatly on turning a tight corner, she clipped the deliberatly parked car and then continued to hit the specially installed kerb -forcing her beloved car to 'flip' over.

The Firefighters who attended the event we amazed that someone that aged could perform this death-defying stunt.

Said Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) spokesperson Mr Right Way-Up "This was an excellant example of aged people finding new and exciting roles to perform in life. Whilst our Road Safety Strategy has always looked at how to educate and engage with drivers and pedestrians about road safety, in particular targeting 17 to 25-year-olds across Greater Manchester, we now realise we should concentrate on elderly drivers instead."

Note: no persons were seriously hurt in this stunt, with the driver only suffering slight cuts and bruises as she wore a seatbelt -so remember clunck-click every trip.


  1. As someone who has driven all their life, I wish to complain to your editor about the portrayal of all drivers 80+ years young being unobservant, doddering and forgetful. We elderly drivers have lots of experience, just because our reaction times and eyesight are diminished, this does not make us dangerous drivers.

    1. Whilst you are perfectly within your 'rights' to complain to our Supreme Overlord, and by sheer coincidence:

    2. And it's precisely those endearing personal capabilities that make elderly drivers ideally equipped to control high powered vehicles. Despite the engine able to propel the vehicle at the maximum speed limit of the road, many will heroically dictate the pace of the traffic trailing behind them, sometimes for up to a mile in rear.

    3. I also find this but the cause is buses

    4. Speaking as a bus driver, I would respond to 'Bus Hater' views that we deliberatly hold traffic up by stopping every 50 yards to pick people up. We perform a vital public service by keeping the elderly from going behind the wheel and causing more traffic accidents.
