Monday 18 March 2013

Manchester Thrown into Confusion over new Mayor

Boris Johnson - Saviour or Villain?
The people of Manchester ran screaming to disused WWII air raid shelters and sewers at the shock announcement that Manchester would be getting a new Mayor, like Boris Johnson.

"Haven't we suffered enough?" pleaded one refugee, holding her baby out to us.  "Have mercy, if not for me, then for him."

Another resident was more sanguine.  "We've been through a lot in Manchester with the Blitz and with Thatcher, and we can see Boris Johnson off too.  What confuses me, is that we voted against having a Mayor in Manchester last year, so why are we going to get one anyway? That's a bit like not voting for a Tory government, but getting one regardless."

Liberal Democrat John Leech eagerly welcomed the chance to have something to do after 2015.

The problem of a Greater Manchester Mayor also throws into confusion the role of Manchester's upstart suburb Salford, which managed to accidentally elect a Mayor last year, in a fiasco engineered by the League of Shadows splinter group, the English Democrats.

The Greater Manchester Mayor would also need to arm-wrestle Police Commissioner Lloyd over who controls the police force.  In a chilling re-run of the recent Batman film, Salford's Knight Warrior has retired injured.

So who will protect us?


  1. This is still a 'could' not a 'would.'

    However if I had to choose a party to run GM -the monster raving looney party will get my vote and I am even prepared to canvas for them !!

    1. Our tabloid readers don't like such doubt. To quote from the MEN's in-house style book:-

      "'Could' must always be translated into 'will' and complex issues must always be reduced to comic strip heroes and villains."

    2. I see the 'Chuckle Brothers' makes an appearance in todays online 'debate' but does not appear to be an option on your poll.

    3. We were getting a little 'Chuckle heavy'.

    4. Whilst I agree with Paul and understand the 'chuckle' dilemma, I see no reason Bill has not cast his hat into the ring to make moanchester the first and largest bird sanctuary

    5. I'm hoping for more appearances from new Celebrity follower Jimmy Cricket, or perhaps his 'Mammy' might make an appearance.

    6. I am still hopeful we will get the good prof to start his 'Ask a Cox' column

    7. The problem is every week Twitter suggests new people to follow, and so I get distracted. Cheggers is very promising too.

    8. I got this advert linked to the mail alert for this thread. Is google trying to tell me something?

      " - Get smarter, think faster

      Train your brain with Lumosity, the personal trainer designed by scientists. Try a free workout!"

    9. Cheggers always made me feel 'uncomfortable,' I think there is something strange about him

  2. Tessa Sanderson, Olympic Gold Medallist for Javelin chucking has apparently said she will stand if the proposed democratic opportunity comes to fruition.

    She'd get my vote. Foxier than a fox wearing a huntsman's jacket driving a Range Rover.

    1. Biofuel, or something that's been converted to run off methane.

      Some people are keen to blacken the fox's character but they are intensely supportive of eco-friendly technology and policies. Their conversion to the Green cause began during the last days of the Bliar Government when very generous grants were being dished out for solar panels to be put on all manner of animal residencies. The foxes cashed in, especially the Polish and Latvian immigrant foxes attracted here by the prospects of cheap rabbits that jobless British foxes were too lazy to eat.

    2. I think this joke might be a bit racist, it was told to me by a someone with a very scotch accent.

      A man walks into the pub in London and orders a pint of Whitbread bitter. As he drinks it, a very athletic woman walks past on the way to the toilet, and blows off as she walks past his drink.

      "Hey, d'ye fart in ma Whitbread?" he said
      "No," she replied. "I'm Tessa Sanderson."

    3. Fatima Whitbread was on Celebrity Pointless the other day, she looks like Melvin Hayes on steroids
