Saturday 2 March 2013

Choughworld Annual General Meeting

Today Choughworld held its Annual General Meeting in Albert Square, Manchester. Whilst there they posed for a picture for their only supporter Mr P.Pann.

The published agenda was

  • Are there too many stories about dog shit and how do we manage the stink?
  • Are chip pan fire stories really such a burning issue/are they getting out of hand?
  • Should we continue to criticise the MENs and plan for its ultimate demise
  • Should we continue to berate Daily Moan readers
  • Decide whether to continue to support cats, dogs, indeed all animals (except goldfish)
  • How our proprietor can become overlord of the World in 3 weeks or less

Despite a lively meeting, with bicycle clips being thrown around the room, no decisions were reached and the board eventually retired to the local hospitality venue to drown their sorrows.

After their sorrows were suitably drowned, the proprietor joined the Extreamely Dumb Luddites march also taking place in Albert Square, taking a St Georges flag attached to a poleaxe to highlight his location in the swarm of protestors, all 3 of them.

More soon on the Extreamely Dumb Luddites march when our proprietor sobers up and is released from police protection (the cells).


  1. Isn't it a shame that the MEN has received more comments on the EDL march than any non-footie related story post FB, the vast majority supporting the EDL and spouting racist stereotype messages. I guess you get what you deserve

  2. Sorry I missed the AGM, I was enjoying my day out with my new friends at the EDL.

    I must admit I found their views a little on the robust side at first, but after 9 or ten pints it all started to make sense.

    1. I thought you were the one in the orange nose harping on about bill oddie. damn, we have been infiltrated. next year our AGM should not be a fancy dress affair

    2. I think that might have been Bill Oddie. I think he's under the impression that Choughworld is a fan site for Choughs - his favourite bird.

    3. That explains why 'you' proposed changing the blog name to Oddieworld & imposing a dress code which included all reporters growing a bushy beard, even the ladies.

    4. My beard is a bit bushy at the moment, and I was watching some sort of finchpecking at the Niger seed. But that's as close as I get to being Bill Oddie.

      Think I'll trim it. The beard, not the finch.

  3. Now we know it was Bill Oddie at the AGM, we can discount any of instructions, beard related or otherwise

    It will be interesting to see if Chough changes any policies this week now he is mates with the EDL and what his posts will be

    1. I'm a little undecided. If being a Patriot involves losing all memory of 12 hours of my life, the worst headache since I got hit on the head with an iron bar once, Mrs Chough refusing to speak to me and next door's cat not looking me in the eye, then I might not bother.

      Are there any belief systems around that involve total abstinence from the demon drink? I'd join them in a flash.

      I just realised though, I've not written an article yet on tramps, which was another MEN era obsession of mine.

    2. I was thinking of a militant branch of Methodism

    3. Would any remote attacks be done by methadrones
