Thursday 24 January 2013

Yet Another 'Call' to set Minimum Prices for Alcohol

Do calls for Minimum Pricing make you angry?  Is this on libertarian grounds or do you have a drink problem?


  1. 'do you have a drink problem?' - I stretch my 8 bottles of red wine over a year, so I guess not.

    'Looks like all the essentials of life (fags & cheap cider) will be out of reach.' - not at all, there will always be 'a corner shop' selling knock off booze and pirated DVDs within easy reach of any grown up.

    Also, given the 'poor' form a small proportion of the overall country's demographic, how dare you just champion for that minority group?

  2. Thoughtful, East Manchester24 January 2013 at 17:03

    Typical of the privileged Lefty bully boys. Red Wine socialism at it's worst - are you sure you're not Tony Bliar himself?

    The privileged few lead such sheltered lives - when I go to an EDL rally the overwhelming majority have a serious drink problem.

  3. EDL rally - well if they didn't shout, scream and gesticulate so much, they wouldn't spill so much of their beer - then they wouldn't have a drink problem.
    Also, why are the council not prosecuting them for the beer spilt i.e. littering. Some old pensioner on their zimmerframe could slip and bust a hip.

    Red Wine socialism - I also drink WD40, so you want to have a go at me for being a working class mechanic - try because the insults will simply slide off me, cause I am squeeky clean

  4. I once heard a commenter say that if EDL supporters followed Islamic principles of sobriety then perhaps a lot of their problems would be solved.

  5. Is that one of those comentators, who your friend heard, from a friend, from a friend (mind you that is a lot of friends - so it was probably on facebook)

  6. Errr... I either heard it on the radio or (no surprises here) read it in the Guardian.

    Anyway it's Thoughtful who invents friends - I invent enemies!

  7. Typical left winger bully boy, inventing enemies. Why if you were a typical right winger, you've would have been inventng ruses to minimise you tax exposure and let's face it, if the weather forecasts are correct, a trip to the Cayman Islands to set the companies up, would be welcome relief

  8. Minimum alcohol pricing won't affect city centre binge drinking as even drinks at "happy hour" prices cost more than 50p per unit. The only people affected will be those who quaff the very cheap ciders, who'll just go without food to keep themselves in ale.

    1. There's a recurring myth in British culture - that the poor are a seething mass who, if left unchecked, will destroy everything we hold dear.

      I really can't see this measure doing any good. If we've got any sense we'll let Scotland try it and wait and see.

      (Welcome to Moanchester Evening Views by the way)

  9. I once saw the surface of a canal in Birmingham carpetted with half submerged cider bottles. There mist have been hundreds. I should have taken a photo and sent it to the manufacturers - I hope they're proud of themselves.

  10. Thoughtful, East Manchester24 January 2013 at 20:56

    I'm real - you didn't invent me.

  11. The idea of raising the min price makes me livid.I'm barely affording to keep myself drunk as it is.In my humble opinion the price of red wine should be lowered as it's a basic.

    1. Agreed, sometimes I even put it in the food !

    2. The real tragedy is that the people who need it most are too drunk to brew their own.

    3. Perhaps another career change coming on?
