Tuesday 29 January 2013

Angry Brigade Thrown into Confusion

In a shocking move today, the Court of Appeal used the Human Rights Act to state that some disclosures by the Criminal Record Bureau are in breach of human rights.

"I'm confused," said Daily Moan reader Donny Watts.  "I hate the CRB, because the Daily Moan has told me to, but I also hate the Human Rights act because it's European, and Liberty which supported the case, especially as it's headed by a woman.  I don't know what to think.  And I hate paedophiles too of course."

Sadly the Daily Moan won't help you here and other readers are just as confused. The Daily Moan doesn't appear to have an angle on this.

Does the complex nature of real life make YOU confused?  Put your inarticulate comments here. Go on - they're genuinely funny to read.


  1. I note that Miss Donny Watts is not a true Daily Moan reader, because he forgot to mention the Queen, god bless er - cucumber sandwiches anyone, organically grown in China by orphaned children, shipped over here along with my new au-pair, Shiminoo

  2. Once upon a time, we would have Is it Me or Wot? here exploding with rage at everything, then making a creepy comment about Shami Chakrabarti.

    I miss those little guys - how can we get them back?

  3. Without advertising our presence in the MEN, which may not be wise, the only other likely place is the Daily Moan (who we are not competing against). Having been on the MEN, they are still there, but trying to figure out who is who is difficult because you cannot reply to individual posters

    1. I think we should target a well known troll site - skynews.com for example, and try to lure some of their inmates over here.

      I miss the lunacy of the old MEN.

    2. "you cannot reply to individual posters"

      I always thought this was a bit weird.Trying to keep us apart in case we formed friendships and took over the asylum.We sort of did it anyway in the last few days didn't we.

  4. "making a creepy comment about Shami Chakrabarti."

