Thursday 31 January 2013

Mum Takes Action Against Dog Muck

Enraged by our recent account of a  pensioner whose shoes were ruined by dog muck, a plucky mum from gorse hill is taking her own form of action, by 'tagging' the mounds of the hounds.


  1. She should spray the dog owners with the paint.That'd learn 'em.

  2. I wish to register my shock at the recent slip in jounalistic standards. The Salford pensioner's shoes were not ruined by the offending dirt, it was his carpet.

    The shoes were merely besmirched, and a good blast with a hose, or running under the tap (without the bowl, crockery or dishcloths in the sink Mr Snow) would set them right.

    1. Moanchester Evening Views31 January 2013 at 17:18

      May I draw your attention to the headline of the offending story. "Man Steps in Dog Muck - Shoes Ruined' - it's rare that someone reads beyond the headline - rarer still that they ignore the headline. They were suede shoes by the way....

      By the way if you keep on criticising our journalists we'll have to make you log in via Facebook.

    2. That wasn't me. I've sold the blog to Trinity Mirror.

    3. Not really! It's yet another of my fake ids!

  3. I think she should be done for spraying graffiti everywhere

  4. Well I'm all for the over-zealous mum's actions. A few weeks ago one of these doggers balanced a poo bag on the wheel of my wheelie bin. Why???

    1. The same reason that they throw it over my wall, on their way back from the park to their home! Lazy.

      They only poop & scoop if there is a chance of being seen/fined, then they cannot wait to get rid of their disgusting mess.

    2. Shame they can't train their dogs to clean it up. As labour saving devices go, dogs are way down the list.
