Thursday 24 January 2013

No snow (again)

Despite widespread forecasts of up to 5cm of snow, Stockport again is clear this morning


  1. Typical Met Office incompetance. They predicted no snow near me, and there isn't any. I usually do the opposite of what they say, so I'm looking pretty stupid in my snow shoes.

  2. The snow shoes are probably not what makes you look stupid, it is more likely the crampons and ice axe

  3. Crampons and Snow Shoes? Surely not at the same time? I always carry an ice axe... You never know when it will be needed.

    1. Crampons attach the snow boots. If you need to carry an ice axe for 'defence' purposes, can I also suggest the following crampons: Grivel G12 12-Point Crampons - mean looking or what

  4. it's not going very well, is it?

    1. Well it's providing an outlet for Trolls do do their socially important duties anonymously...

    2. it is going very well today, its had more hits than the MEN this morning !!!

    3. And more stories about chip pan fires, which is why most of us read it.

    4. Yes, I always feel sad for the poor chip pan - it's often a neglected viewpoint. How would you feel if you'd been part of the family for 2.5 weeks and then just as you are preparing the meal, some ignorant so and so neglects you. Wouldn't you just burst into flames. The trouble is, it is always the chip pan who ends up loosing out.

    5. In my limited experience of setting fire to chip pans when drunk, they usually survive the incident unharmed.

    6. Yes, but they end up blackened and therein lies my point. Have you ever tried getting a job as a second hand chip pan, even worse a blackened second hand chip pan, no - well let me tell you, it is not easy. Trust me, I have been there and it's a lot harder to find work than your regular chip pan (am I getting to silly for you? I am in one of those 'moods')

    7. Thoughtful, East Manchester24 January 2013 at 20:49

      Some blackened chip pans do fine, putting our indiginous chip pans out of a job. Not that the Liberal elite care. They all eat gwacamoly.

  5. I have a terrible hangover this morning and the word 'crampon' is making me feel queasy.

    1. Too much wine, or too much food (cooked with wine in it?)

    2. It was a vodka with diet coke evening followed by red wine. I'm getting too old for this.
