Friday 25 January 2013

UK Exclusive - Nursery Rhymes Cut Backs

In the UK today, many mums were agast to see the effect of the government cut backs on the world of nursery rhymes.

General Buttercup wrote an open letter to the Daily Moan advising parents of the effects of the nasty Government on the world of nursery Rhymes. General Buttercup complained bitterly of the cut backs affecting the grand Ole Duke of York regiment.

He stated 'We used to have a fighting capability of 10,000 soldiers in this regiment alone, however following the latest Offence Spending Review, we have had to let 5,000 of our troops go', stating further 'even though with 10,000 troops we could not protect a hill successfully, having to keep marching up and down, to fool enemies into thinking we have more men, with only 5,000, we can barely defend a ditch, falling in and climbing out.'

Mums all around the country reacted furiously by throwing their childrens toys out of the pram.

One mother, who wished to remain anonymous said 'How are we supposed to sing the Grand Old Duke of York rhyme now, knowing that no hills are climbed.' Another mum, called Mrs Fruitcake said of the reduction in troop levels 'think of the impact this has on children, now they will never know what a hill is,' she continued 'now our children will only know of ditches, it's like living in Victorian times again'

More news of the impact of the cutbacks on nursey rhymes soon....


  1. I hate to carp, but what about a graphic, showing the number of men up the hill, and the number of men down the hill, following the cuts?

    I also need to get some stock photos of people looking sad into the camera to decorate any 'local interest' stories.

    1. Check out

      and see if they are free to use
