Thursday 16 May 2013

Parents Get to Smack their Children in World's Biggest Primark

Parents were giddy today with news that Primark - the City Centre's premier child smacking venue - has been extended.

"This is a dream come true", said a mum of two who wished to remain anonymous. "I have a choice of 3 floors to smack my kids on now.  I can tell them to I'm fucking sick of them in the basement, threaten them on the ground floor, and belt them on the first floor."

Manchester Social Services were unavailable for comment.


  1. I wonder if anyone has done risk assessments on the 'risk' of this building collapsing under the added weight of all those prams or the extra ciggie butts outside the front doors blowing in and causing a fire?

  2. You snob... There's an excellent story about Nigel Falange today which needs the Choughworld treatment. Watch this space.

    1. I've been very busy but the rise of UKIP has invigorated me.

    2. UKIP generally leaves me disinterested. Like watching an unfortunate walking down Market Street having an animated conversation with no-one at all.

      Mrs Cygnus said that some of them are using telephones, but I have not seen any trailing cables.

    3. For me it's a turf war over eccentricity.

    4. I was wondering why you'd not been on for a while, started thinking maybe you'd had an accident etc. Hope you getting some time to relax

  3. It was also nice to see Primark actually employs someone over the age of 21!!!
