Tuesday 7 May 2013

North Korea Leader Inspects Latest High Tech Weapons Factory

The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, visited one of his countries most secret weapons development factories and inspected the results of 30 years worth of Govrnment funded research.


Whilst most reports indicate that this is a 'farming' institute, researchers at Choughworld see beyond this flimsy charade. Our analysis of these devices highlight some of the progress that North Korea has made in the last 30 years.

Apparently what was on show was:

  • a seed hopper - most soldiers still carry backpacks containing vital warmongering equipment, as they have done for the last 500 years. However North Korea has looked into this back straining problem and have developed a wheeled version to save their soliders health. Whilst it may look like a seed hopper, it is in actual fact a small weapons carrier.

  • a lawn mower - this is in fact a remote controlled minature tank, whose primary weapon is hidden within its main body. It also has a secondary weapon that is actually a series of rotating blades, used to trim of the heads of any enemies lying in fox holes.

So there you have it, North Korea readies for war and I am readying for a holiday.


  1. Perhaps with reports such as this a permanent holiday is in order.

  2. North Korea is what I am most interested in.
