Saturday 8 June 2013

South Shields Elect Looney Fringe

Shock news has been received that the Northern town of South Shields have elected a loonie to their local council.

Whilst the closet loonie party, UKIP, is now the official opposition party to this Labour led council following the defection of 3 independent councillors to their wacky cause, the real shocker is that a Conservative was actually elected by the people.

Whilst the towns folk can be forgiven for the UKIP opposition situation, as they elected these people as independents, that cannot be said for their actions which resulted in a TORY being elected.

Said one Geordie, "I know people on that side of the river were a bit loony BUT I would never have thought that anyone there would have voted TORY, for christssake... what next?"

A Tory council member in South Shields, whatever next? SNP annexing Northumberland? Actually that may not be such a bad thing!

1 comment:

  1. Better than electing a loonie fridge.

    Do you remember the fridges of the 60's with the locking mechanism? Even today, they still publish warnings about children suffocating in the crazed cabinets of death.
