In a Choughworld exclusive we can report on what, maybe, their warped logic is.
We understand that a third 'much larger' nuclear weapon will be detonated by North Korea shortly and our researchers have held discussions with a leading scientist, Dr Shaky Ground, who specialises in plate techtonics.
We examined the effect that a large nuclear explosion would have on the 'ring of fire' that North Korea is located near.
Our made-up scientist confirmed that, should North Korea be able to build a large enough nuclear weapon and detonate it on the 'ring,' that an underwater continental shelf could collapse, generating an MASSIVE tsunami, they likes of which the world has not seen in millions of years.
This tsunami would, theoretically, travel across the Pacific Ocean towards the USA and hit America's Northwestern state of Washington, possibly even a bit lower down, maybe even California.
On presenting this study to a leading US Republican Congressman -their reaction was one of scorn and derision. He explained "If this scenario occured, we in the far-right gun-totting political party would welcome it. After all, there isn't much up there anyway. Also, it may hit lower down in the state California, which as we know holds the worlds capital of LGBT communities -wouldn't that be a shame if all of those leftist wierdos were wiped out - it would be Gods revenge for their unnatural practices."
We then presented this study to a leading US Democrat Congressman whose reaction was surprisingly different to the Republican's. "We must issue a warning to all the people of Western States that they must evacuate immediatly. We need to find urgently somewhere for our LGBT communities to relocate to, we must keep the 60's revolution alive. Oh hang-on, we can call the UK's superhero Mr Cringe Karneypoops, he will come to our rescue, as long as no one smokes."
So there you have it, remember folks -you heard it here first.
We predict a massive invasion of Americans to our shores (and lets face it, they have invaded most other places) which we are confident will be reacted on furiously by our own far-right political parties.
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