We have analysed the feedback, monitored which stories receive the most hits/comments and by
applying some pretty smart statistical analysis, we can now announce the types of stories you appear to be most interested in.
The first place goes to ...........shite (canine or otherwise)
The second place goes to ......animal stories
The third place goes to ..........chip pan fires
The fourth place goes to .........taking the pee out of a certain regional paper for their inaccuracies,
political bias and general lack of traditional journalistic techniques.
In our poll it appears that you, our readers, do not bother to look at either actual news, satire on current affairs or fictional pieces.
So there you have it and if anyone bothers to read this, all of us at Choughworld would like to thank you for your feedback.
And I thought we were a nation of animal lovers first and foremost, I was wrong. Looks like Shat is the new Cat.